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1. India bids younger brother Pakistan Adieu in 1947* |
Welcome one and welcome all
But smell the Floral, Rose Bouquets
And hear the Thundering Loud Applause
My heart does give, to all of thee
3. Baalbeck (Heliopolis) Lebanon*** |
Lebanon, Turkey, westward me
Each a delight, tourists do see
Hong Kong, Philippines, Pacific darlings
Enchanting both with maritime rings
Thanks for visits, my soul does say
Be safe, come often, my lips do pray
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4. All green and blue is Philippines |
Landlocked Czech, European country
I salute you dear, for high HD****
With your hard work, the world has been lit
Do accept my thanks, for your kindly visits
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6. An ancient monument to Bartolomeu Dias***** at the Cape of Good Hope |
Pictorial Sources:
1 exoticans.blog.co.in
2 scottragsdale.com
3 habeeb.com
4 hayatalk.org
5 citypictures.org
6 factoidz.com
*Photograph by Margaret Bourke-White from Khushwant Singh’s book
Train to Pakistan, Roli Books.
**Saudi Arabia has the world's largest oil reserves and is the world's largest oil exporter.
**Saudi Arabia has the world's largest oil reserves and is the world's largest oil exporter.
***Baalbek is a town in the Bekaa Valley of Lebanon at an altitude 3,840 ft,
situated east of the Litani River It is famous for its exquisite temple ruins
of the Roman period, when Baalbek was then known as Heliopolis
It is Lebanon's greatest Roman treasure, and it can be counted
among the wonders of the ancient world
****HD here means Human Development and The Human Development Index (2009),
ranks Czech republic as a "Very High Human Development" nation.
*****Bartholomeu Dias is famous as the first European to lead a 1487 voyage
around the Cape of Good Hope on the Southern most tip of South Africa.
1497: Dias accompanied the expedition led by Vasco da Gama to India
1500: May 24: Bartolomeu Dias dies in a violent storm in the Cape of Good Hope
******Diamond and gold discoveries played an important part in the growth of the early
South African Republic. Diamond first discovered on the banks of the Orange River in
1867 by Erasmus Jacobs. Gold was discovered in the area known as Witwatersrand,
which led to the Witwatersrand Gold Rush of 1886. South Africa holds the world's
largest natural reserves of gold (40 percent according to South Africa Yearbook 2009/10)
Roses from allindiaflorist.com