Sunday, 28 August 2011

For Parched Throats An Icy Fridge*

A hungry cat is on her way
To catch a rat and keep hunger at bay

But soon it reaches a desolate place
Where only at sands she does now gaze

"Where am I", she rumbles aloud 
Except for her own echo there was no sound

Thirsty now, she forgets the kill
A sip of water is all she wills

A caravan soon comes across a ridge
With folk n food n chilled water in a fridge

A saucer of milk and water aplenty
The fridge she admires, please do go and see

* Advt. of a Fridge with a Cat and a Desert in the Scene.
  This poem was written at the request of a student of Mass Media, 2011


Munirka Village

(As Delhi grew this village now in south Delhi had been 
engulfed and its fields turned to settlements)

1. Munirka Village 

Stump of tree tells of stories old
Of children playing under its fold
Nearby too is a well to be seen
Where once women gossiped both stout and lean

Old Names, Still New

2. Batla House Market

Batla house, the only house
Once seen on Okhla road
Now all around a market place
Named still as Batla house

Ghaffar Manzil the only mansion
Back of Jamia once seen
A dense settlement soon sprang up fast
And named still ' Manzil as in the yonder past

3. Ghaffar Manzil


While I Studied Mughal India

Sons have been fed
And are now in bed
Me at the table
To prove how much able
To sort the Kings and Kingdoms ruled
How public was served or being fooled

Devilish Unity

Smart people in a room when put their heads together
Like to trample others with their looks and deeds
Unity is strength I hear people say
But when the devil brings it about
Only destruction plagues

Pictorial Sources:- 

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Lemme Lay a Red Carpet for You

1. Marigold 

2.  Lavender

Flowers I have gathered from every hedge
For New Friends have come from every end

Now is the time, to welcome them all 
With Marigold and Roses, Lavender and Posies

3.  Posies

A garland, Dear Friends  to each of you
My humble thanks I wanna give to you
For visit and time spared by you

Welcome to this simple site
Where tears and laughter both are right
To share some joys and make pain light

Afghanistan, Vietnam once war torn nations
Yet I beseech to give, love n love alone

Politics and history played havoc with you
And if not for your undaunted spirit your
Rise the world would not have known

4.  Afghanistan

5. Vietnam 

Welcome tall majestic daring Afghanis
Peace be with you sweet darling Vietnamese
Let me now introduce you to your group…………..

Oil rich Kuwait, please do not ask me to wait
The best of cars can surely now come for me
And camel dear you have earned your rest

6. An oil refinery in Mina-Al-Ahmadi, Kuwait

Himalayan Kingdoms, Royal Bhutan n Nepal
Neighbours of India or India’s wall
Our daughters with you and yours with us

7. Come to Bhutan to see its ancient Buddhist
culture  and mountain scenery 

Estonia*, Latvia** though youthful both
But grew up fast so developed both
Beautiful land and gorgeous both

8. Latvia n Estonia

Indians and Asians, that’s Indonesia
Multiple cultures and a historic past
See ancient cultures weaved between

9. Indonesia

South of Mediterranean ranging sights
Where mountains and sands side by side
Onward to Kenya and to Indian ocean you ride

10 a. Africa

10 b.  Kenya

South America, I yearn for you
Although far, I long for you
Land of grace and praise we all do

Columbians may you rise and shine
Then party times and chilling wines
Call me soon for I too do pine

11. Columbia

My dear friends, I will pray for you
My humble thanks I give to you
For visit and time spared by you

Do come again to this simple site
Where tears and laughter both are right
To share our joys and make pain light

With a hand shake and dimpled smile
I bid my friends now goodbye
For other tasks now wait me so…………….


*     Became Independent on 20 August, 1991 
**  Became Independent on  August 21, 1991

Pictorial Sources:-                   
6. wikipedia 
10 a.                
10 b.                                                    

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Independence Day ( India )

1. 15 August, 1947

Down the ages
With the turn of pages
The Glory of India*
From Kashmir to Kanya

History books reveal all
Should make us stand upright and tall
Our hearts be filled with pride
2. Celebrations!
Remembering India's every stride

Battles lost and victories won
A lot of bloodshed has been done
Wake up children, wake up fast
Our country India, so very vast

Needs hands and minds to toil
Reaping harvests from the soil
No other country God has thus filled
And earthly goods maketh mills

Dependent we very much were
Has been taught by our history sir
From cloth to needles we are sure
Came across the seas in full measure

Thanks be to God for showing the way
Help us to remember Independence Day
No more blood to be shed
No more traps into be led


*Golden Age of India

a) Ancient India
The period between the 3rd century and 6th century CE ( Common Era also known as AD) is known as the Golden Age of India because of the large achievements Indians made in the fields of mathematics, astronomy, science, religion and philosophy during the Gupta Empire. The decimal numeral system, including the concept of zero, was invented in India during this period. The peace and prosperity created under leadership of Guptas made remarkable scientific and artistic activities in India possible. 

3. The Gupta Empire around 500 AD

b) Medieval India
South India in the 10th and 11th century CE under the imperial Chola Dynasty has been called Golden Age as well. The period saw extensive achievements in architecture, Tamil literature, sculpture and bronze working, maritime conquests with extensive trade, and quasi-democratic reforms. ( wikipedia )

4. Chola's influence at the height
of its power ( 1050 AD )

Pictorial Sources:-
3 and 4. wikipedia