Wednesday 23 March 2011

What Are We Waiting For ?

Unborn child in a mother's womb
Knows not what awaits him
Yet there is an urgency to be born
To bear the scalpel and the scissors
To escape from the dark pool
Out into the lighted word

As a child he yearns to grow up
Loves to wear dresses and shoes too long for him
Mimics elders in all that he does
Oh! When will I grow up is all that he utters

Going to school day in and day out
Carrying the burden on his back
Longing for a holiday. Dreaming of places
Oh! At least let me grow up fast
So to college I can go

Now in college along with friends
Longs for a bike and girl friends too
Longs for success and hopes to fulfill
A job, a wife, a house and so on
Awaits the result in all earnestness

A degree in hand, but still depressed
All his merit is at stake
The job, which he thought was his
Given to another ..............sadly
Turns to retrace his steps
Next time I must succeed.

Soon in hand a job so secure
Life is simply sailing he felt
Yet yearned to have a wife so pretty
To be the envy of his friends

Now wife and child too he has
Yet he longs for  worldly  things
To make his family more happy and secure
Works from dawn to dusk
No picnics, No Sundays , No Evenings he is at home

To be with kids he had longed for
He knew not when his kids grew up
Reached that threshold from where
Children move out

Oh! This old age, how will it pass?
With oohs and aahs I suppose
When will I get my eternal sleep?
I long to be with Almighty God

No sooner had he left the Womb
Knew not that he longed for the Tomb
Is this what we are waiting for?

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